Non-Combat Related PTSD

Ok, So Maybe You didn't fight in a War....BUT...

  • That doesn't mean how you feel doesn't matter. 

  • That doesn't mean your experiences aren't real. 

  • That doesn't mean what you survived is any less important. 

  • That doesn't mean your PTSD diagnosis is any less valid.

What happened to you matters and how you feel matters, because YOU matter. 

You don't have to suffer in silence any longer.

Were you in the armed services and diagnosed with PTSD? Are you struggling to make sense of this diagnosis and how it's completely changed your life? Are you trying to figure out how to cope with what you're experiencing alone and noticed that it isn't working successfully? 

Are you struggling with guilt statements such as I should have known better, I could have done more, or I'm a failure? Do you notice that you're on edge constantly fearful of what may happen next, which is a complete contrast of how you were prior to the diagnosis?

You deserve to be free of the guilt, shame or fear.

Schedule Your First Session Today!

Does this sound familiar?

  • Intrusive thoughts?

  • Guilt or Shame?

  • Difficulty sleeping?

  • Irritability, or self-destructive behaviors?

  • Nightmares or flashbacks?

  • Intense anxiety or fear?

  • Feeling on edge or panic attacks?

Treatment that works

EMDR Therapy & PTSD

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a trauma and stressor disorder that develops in some people after witnessing or experiencing an event(s)  that is distressing, shocking, threatening, and physically or emotionally dangerous.  

  •  EMDR therapy is listed as a treatment for PTSD and/or other trauma and stressor disorders by the following organizations:  World Health Organization, Department of veteran affairs and department of defense.